Wetlands Work! - working with the best organizations
As a registered Cambodian NGO and also as a social enterprise, we partner with international and national NGOs, governments, universities and private institutions for funding, operational excellence and research. We train local businesses on our sanitation tech and ensure project quality control.

Wetlands Work! - HandyPod solution

Adapted to challenging environments
Appropriate for floating, flood prone, high groundwater table, mangrove, beach sand and impermeable soil (rock/clay) environments. Stable in extreme weather events.

Low cost
The system is made of commonly available HDPE (a lightweight, strong, UV-resistant polymer) containers, the treatment activity is a cost-free, nature-based solution.

Effective water treatment, pathogens removed, stability in extreme storm events, improves ambient water quality, no odor, no mosquitoes, reduces diseases, provides gender-based security and dignity.

Long life use, no maintenance
(apart from our fecal sludge
management protocol every 3 years), no moving parts only gravity flow movement,
no chemical or electrical inputs, only nature-based treatment.

Boost for local agriculture
Use treated nutrient-rich water discharge and cured fecal sludge
soil to enhanced home garden productivity. Eliminates need for commercial fertilizer.
How it works
Our solution is the HandyPod, a series of 3 connected containers, that treats waste water step by step.
The 1st container receives human waste (urine and poop) wherein settlement occurs. Then, by gravity, the nutrient-rich waste moves to the 2nd container and then the 3rd, and becomes cleaner each time. This cleaning process involves biofilm and trillions of microbes which reduce pathogens and discharges treated water. When discharged, treated water exceeds Cambodian government discharge standards. The HandyPod works in all environments, both aquatic and upland.